Pet Foster
Become a Pet Foster or Pet Transporter Today!
You can make a difference today!
There are lots of reasons why people foster pets. Here are just some reasons;
Have you ever thought about Pet Fostering? It’s a wonderful way to help save pets from high-kill shelters. When you foster a pet, you are actually pulling them out of the shelter where they would be put down if they are not adopted, and giving them more time to find their forever home. By caring for a pet while they find their new adoptive family, you are helping lower the number of pet deaths in the United States.
- Helping save the lives of pets in the US.
- Pets provide a companionship that does not require a long term commitment.
- You can make a difference in helping rescue dogs by providing them a short term home.
- You get to try out different breeds and see what size, shape or breed might work for your own pet needs.
- You can make a difference in a pet’s life who was abandoned, abused or neglected previously.

Pet fostering costs are also paid by the people who rescued the dog, so there is no out of cost pocket for you. Pet fostering is rewarding and can make a difference in not only the pet’s life, but in yours. Give it a try and find out what other pet fosters already know – how rewarding helping save a pet’s life can be.
Do You Live Outside of California?
If you want to help out in your local community and live outside of the Southern California area, please visit our sister-site and sign up for free to join our nationwide database. We have pet shelters joining our system everyday to find pet fosters or pet transporters in all areas of the United States, and we need you to sign up to be connected with a shelter in your area.
Do You Live In California?
If you live in Southern California, and would like to foster a pet from Eastwood Ranch Adoption and Animal Rescue please fill out our local Pet Foster Application here for dogs, and this one for cats.
When you sign up you can specify what breeds you prefer, size, your availability and more so you shelters will know your preferences right away. There is no cost to join, and all of you information is kept private, and only shared with shelters who are seeking a foster in your location. If you sign up and find yourself busy for part of the year, that’s ok – just let the shelter know if they contact you, and you can stay in the database for another time.
What’s a Pet Transporter?
If you can’t foster a pet, but still want to help and love animals, how about becoming a Pet Transporter? A Pet Transporter is a great help to the animal rescue world. When animals are pulled out of shelters they may need medical attention of some kind like a check up, spay or neutered or they may have been rescued with a more serious condition that needs attention. You can help by taking them to and from a vet office or animal hospital. Costs for driving and medical costs are covered by the animal rescue group that saved the dog. You don’t have to care for the dog or pet, just have to help drive the animal to the doctor’s and back home.
Our Rescue and Adoption Center is located in Agoura Hills and we need short distance drivers and long distance drivers. Let us know how you can help with our animal rescue operations. Fill in ERF Transporter Application Here.
Live outside of Southern California, and want to help transport animals?
Sign up today to become a Pet Transporter in your local area. Just driving a pet around can help the animal rescue community immensely. It’s an important part of pet rescue, and you can help and make a difference today. If you live outside of Southern California, sign up up to be Pet Transporter at our sister-site for your local community.