Meeko & Ollie’s Mission: What To Do With  Feral Cats
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    Meeko & Ollie’s Mission: What To Do With Feral Cats

    Meeko & Ollie’s mission is to bring awareness about the plight of feral cats. Learn what options are best and available for feral cats found in your community. Learn about “TNR” – the ideal technique to use with feral cats – Trap-Neuter-Return. Feral cats need our help, and taking them to shelters surely means a…

    Animal Sanctuary Spotlight: Chimp Haven
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    Animal Sanctuary Spotlight: Chimp Haven

    Chimp Haven In The Spotlight Crowdfunding Project with Chimp Haven Join Alison Eastwood to give chimpanzees used in research the sanctuary retirement they deserve. Chimp Haven Sanctuary needs our support in accepting newly retired chimpanzees. The sanctuary must more than double in size and secure the additional resources it needs for the chimps’ lifetime care….